Lembre-se Ids abaixo pode não funcionar ou não dar o resultado esperado dependendo do programa usado para a criação do seu server.
Todos os Ids abaixo foram tirados da Internet, em baixo de cada Parte estará o link do site que usamos.
Fisemos poucas editações e estamos tentando tirar o maior numero de repetições.
3533 - Undead (Male)
3529 - undead (Female)
4358 - Troll (Female)
11193 - Troll (Male)
6768 - Orc (Female)
6785 - Orc (Male)
5486 - Tauren (Male)
3000 - Tauren (Female)
2222 - Night Elf (Female)
2245 - Night Elf (Male)
7000 - Gnome (Female)
7004 - Gnome (Male)
7001 - Dwarf (Male)
5737 - Dwarf (Female)
17155 - Draenei (Male)
19171 - Draenei (Female)
19161 - Goblin (Female)
19000 - Goblin (Male)
19169 - Blood Elf (Female)
21881 - Blood Elf (Male)
5735 - Human (Female)
5736 - Human (Male)
---City Bosses--
4527 - Thrall (Org)
11657 - Lady Sylvanas (UC)
4307 - Cairne Bloodhoof (TB)
17122 - Lor´themar Theron (SC)
3597 - King Magni Bronzebeard (IF)
5566 Highlord Bolvar Fordragon (SW)
7006 High Tinker Mekkatorque (Gnomer)
7274 - Tyrande Whisperwind (Darn)
1547 - Gazelle
5555 - Cat
10000 - Goat
17000 - Snake
17093 - Dragon
2177 - Cockroach
1141 - Rat
9554 - Blood Parrot
12210 - Shark
7900 - "Worm"
3200 - Bear
19422 - Wolf
21435 - Fel Reaver
---Voidwalker Shape---
525 - Water elemental
12129 - Fire elemental
14273 - Water elemental (nr 2)
20242 - Invisibility elemental
20431 - Guldan lava elemental
19952 - Armored voidwalker
19951 - Naaru voidwalker
19902 - Yellow voidwalker
20211 - Air elemental
360 - Ooze
370 - Wight
507 - White ethereal
20295 - Red ethereal
20373 - Blue bubbles
20383 - Purple bubbles
20262 - Red bubbles
Red wisp-16587
9009 - Vine golem
975 - stone guardian
6751 - Sea giant
1918 - mountain giant
20249 - Tree giant, dark green
20249 - tree giant
20261 - Green stone giant
20282 - Red infernal
20324 - green infernal
20346 - Gronn
19971 - Arcane golem
514 - purple Harvest golem
860 - treeguy
20306 - Blue naaru
---+ bosses---
20023 - Kael Sunstrider
20628 - Maiev Shadowsong
20918 - Rexxar Champion of the Horde
18292 - Archmond
21401 - Lady Sinestra
17261 - Champion Sunstrike
17260 - Champion Swiftblade
21135 - Illidan Storimrage
18945 - Al'ar
-Molten Core-
11121 - Ragnaros
11986 - Golemagg The Incinerator
13031 - Lucifron
10193 - Magmadar
12239 - Garr
13032 - Shazzrah
12129 - Barron Geddon
12029 - Majordomo Executus
15345 - The Prophet Skeram
15658 - Vem
15583 - Battleguard Satura
15743 - Fankriss The Unyielding
15739 - Princess Huhuran
15509 - Ouro
15778 - Emperor Vek'lor
15786 - C'thun
-World Bosses-
14992 - Prince Thunderaan
8570 - Onyxia
12449 - Lord Kazzak
17887 - Doom Lord Kazzak
18649 - High King Maulgar
18698 - Gruul The Dragonkiller
18718 - Medivh
-Blackwig Lair-
11380 - Nefarian
14367 - Chromaggus
6378 - Firemaw
6369 - Ebonroc
9231 - Flamegor
13992 - Vaelastrasz
12649 - Razorgore
9472 - Lord Victor Nefarius
-PVP People-
17822 - Velen The Prophet
-Black Temple-
20681 - Akama
16642 - Gul'Dan
21137 - Illidan Stormrage
20465 - Ghostrider of Kharabor
18419 - Mistress of Doom
16040 - Attumen The Huntsman
18062 - Nightbane
16198 - Maiden of Virtue
16188 - Patchwerk
16035 - Grobbulus
16109 - Loatheb
16137 - Thaddius
15928 - Maexxna
16064 - Gluth
15945 - Kel'Thuzzad
16033 - Sapphiron
11311 - Jin'Do the Hexxer
15218 - High Priestess Arlokk
11288 - Bloodlord Mandokir
15217 - High Priest Venoxxis
15219 - High Priest Jeklik
15216 - High Priest Thekal
7873 - Gri'lek
15295 - Hakkar
-The Eye/SSC-
20216 - The Lurker Below
20662 - Fathom Lord Karathes
20739 - Morogrim Tidewalker
20235 - Warlord Kalithres
20748 - Lady Vashj
20023 - Kael'thas Sunstrider
17729 - Rokmar The Crackler
Ragnaros - 11121
Thunderaan - 14992
Onyxia - 8570
Nefarian - 11380
Chromaggus - 14367
Firemaw - 6378
Ebonroc - 6369
Flamegor - 9231
Bloodlord Lasher - 14308
Vaelasrasz - 13992
Razorgore - 12649
Gyth - 9806
Lord Victor Nefarius - 9472
The Epoch Hunter - 19135
Ancient Corehound - 12189
Lucifron - 13031
Magmadar - 10193
Gehenans - 13030
Garr - 12239
Shazzrah - 13032
Barron Geddon - 12129
Majordomo Executus - 12029
Golemagg The Incinerator - 11986
Gothikk The Harvester - 16309
Morph In The Weapon you're Wearing Only - 15880
Thaddius - 16137
Gluth - 16064
Maexxna - 15928
Grand Widdow Faerlina - 15940
Anub'Rekhan - 16586
Mad Scientist - 16176
Surgical Assistant ( Ud Gnome ) - 836
Patchwerk - 16188
Grobbulus - 16035
Loatheb - 16109
Thane Kar'thazz - 16329
Lady Blaumex - 16153
Highlord Morgraine - 16139
Sir Zellek - 16154
Noth The Plaguebringer - 16590
Jin'Do the hexxer - 11311
High Priestess Arlokk - 15218
High Priest Thekal - 15216
Gri'lek - 7873
Hazza'rah - 15267
Ohgan - 15271
Bloodlord Mandokir - 11288
High Priest Venoxxis - 15217
High Priest jeklik - 15219
A Troll Riding A Bat - 15303
Nexus prince haramad - 21020
Medivh - 18718
Blood elf Kid - 19314
Blue Whisp - 10045
Red Whisp - 16587
Daemonicus - 14555
Green Fire Elemental - 9449
Terrorfiend : 18373
Azzarius The Cruel - 18371
Mistress Of Doom - 18419
Raging Colossus - 18275
Ashyen - 17310
Ghostrider of Kharabor - 20465
A Shark - 15555
Gul'dan - 16642
Cyrukh - 20135
Deathforge Smith - 17210
Deathforge Imp - 16889
Deathforge Tinkerer - 18621
Chrono Lord Deja - 20513
Anachronos - 15500
Infinite Chronomaster - 19061
A Fel cannon - 18505
Different Model Human Male - 101
Differment Model Human Female - 100
A Fat Human - 103
A Rabbit - 328
The Prophet Skeram - 15345
Princess Yaui - 15693
Lord Kri - 15694
Vem - 15658
A Cool looking Bug - 15695
Battleguard Zatura - 15583
Fankriss The Unyielding - 15743
Princess Huhuran - 15739
Emperor Vek'lor - 15778
Emperor Vek'Nilash - 15761
Ouro - 15509
Eye Of C'thun - 15556
Giant Eye Tentacle - 15788
Warchief kargath bladefist - 19799
The Lurker Below - 20216
Leotheras the Blind - 20541
Fathom Lord Karathes - 20662
Morogrim Tidewalker - 20739
Warlord Kalithres - 20235
Ghaz'an - 17528
Rokmar The Crackler - 17729
Quagmirran - 18224
Broggok - 19372
Varuzden The Herald - 18944
Attumen The Huntsmen - 16040
Nightbane - 18062
Maiden of Virtue - 16198
High King Maulgar - 18649
Gruul the dragonkiller - 18698
Gronn - 18645
Sabellian - 21079
Gorgrom The Dragon eater - 20346
Warp Splinter - 19438
Al'ar The Phoenix God - 18945
---Demon Morphs---
Kil'jaedan - 23200
Lord kazzak - 12449
Doomlord kazzak ( kazzak With armour ) - 17887
Lord Illidan Stormrage - 21137
Illidan's Demon form - 21322
Infernal - 19726
Doom Demon - 433
Fel Orc - 21267
Varimathras - 11658
A Female Demon? - 20861
---Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain Morphs (BANDA HORDA)---
L70ETC Blood elf with Guitar - 21666
L70ETC Singing orc - 21665
L70ETC Troll with Guitar - 21662
L70ETC Tauren On drums - 21661
L70ETC Undead With Guitar - 21659
---Darkmoon Faire Morphs---
21667 - 21684 - Darkmoon Faire Costumes on all Races (Includes high elves)
---Random Morphs---
Blizzcon Murloc Costume - 21723
Murloc - 21727
Undead - 19896
WoW TBC Draenei Char Intro - 21023
---Dragon Morphs---
Blue Whelp - 9994
Red Whelp - 956
Green Whelp - 694
Bronze Whelp - 14720
Infinite Whelp - 20515
Chromatic Whelp - 10095
21976 - Arthas Small
24641 - Arthas Ghost
24949 - Arthas Regular
22235 - The Lich King without his helmet on
22234 - The Lich King With his Helmet on
24378 - EntSkinSoftBlue
23970 - KrakkenSkinGreen
23941 - FlyingNerubianRed
23942 - NerubianWarrior_Black
23943 - Nerubian_Black
23944 - FlyingNerubianYellow
23880 - CryptLordSkin_Scourge
23881 - CryptLordSkin_Dark
23882 - CryptLordSkin_Red
23884 - Forskaen Catapult
25082 - Frost Nyhm01
25083 - Frost Nyhm02
25084 - Frost Nyhm03
24978 - Penguin!!
24926 - LionSeal01
24927 - LionSeal02
24928 - LionSeal03
24929 - LionSeal04
23946 - PolarBearCub
23977 - Nerubian_Albino
24047 - TundraGiant
23681 - SuperZombieblack
23684 - AirElementalSkinBlue
23693 - MountainGiantCrystal_Skin_WhiteCrystal
23699 - FurbolgSkinBlue
23700 - FurbolgSkinWhite
23704 - DragonSkin1 Azuregoz
23772 - DireFurbolg_Red
23773 - DireFurbolg_Black
23774 - DireFurbolg_White
23835 - ArcaneVoidWraithBlue
23838 - WargenSkinBrown
24101 - Dragon_NorthrendGray
24102 - NerubianPriest_Green
24128 - NerubianPriest_Red
24129 - NerubianPriest_Blue
24130 - NerubianPriest_White
24137 - DragonSkin1Red
24139 - DragonSkin1Black
24140 - DragonSkin1Blue
24141 - DragonSkin1Bronze
24142 - DragonSkin1Green
24217 - KeeperOfTheGroveSkin3
24227 - StoneGolemSkinObsidian
24240 - SiegeTank
24273 - GhoulSkinGrey
24274 - SkeletonSkin
24275 - WightSkinWhite
24301 - NorthrendFleshGiant_Glow
24377 - BatSkinWhite01
24961 - AncientofWarSkinSnow
24954 - Magnataurblack
24942 - EtherialSkin_White
24873 - Magnataurblue
24834 - NecromancerGreen
24804 - NecromancerBlue
24803 - UndeadBeast
24802 - MountedDeathknightGreenGold_01
24800 - MountedDeathknightWhite_01
24789 - Regular CryptLordSkin
24793 - NecromancerPurple
24796 - GiantSpider
24795 - FungalMonster
24794 - MountedDeathknightDarkBlueBlack_01
24792 - FleshGiantSkin1
24787 - NewKel'Thuzad
24743 - BlueDragonFlight_01
24593 - Demon Hunter
24499 - SkeletonSkinGreen
24495 - SkeletonMage
24489 - CentaurWarriorSkinWhite
24484 - NorthrendFleshGiant_Glow
24101 - protodragon_NorthrendGray
24082 - SerpentSkinRuby
24083 - SerpantSkinBlue
24072 - FrostNymph2Winter
24071 - ArcticCondorWhite
24070 - CentaurWarriorSkinBlack
23749 - Velen
23684 - AirElementalSkinBlue
23709 - CarrionBirdSkinWhite
23723 - MountainGiant_Howling1
23730 - BoarSkinCrimson
23744 - StoneGolemSkinGrey
23745 - StoneGolemSkinPlatinum
23747 - NetherDragonPurple
23816 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinBlue
23819 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinBrown
23820 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinRed
23821 - NerubianCaster
23822 - StoneGolemSkinGold
23823 - StoneGolemSkinTurquoise
23829 - MountainGiant_Zangarmarsh
23912 - HarpyIvory
23918 - HarpyBlue
23931 - HarpyPurple
23951 - WapitiSkinArctic
23952 - WapitiSkinGreen
23984 - NerubianWarrior_Albino
25014 - Sappirion / Frost Dragon
25015 - Flame Dragon / Fire Dragon
24963 - Water/Snow/Freeze Wave
24954 - Snow Big Beast Thingy
24946 - A boat
24944 - Another boat...
24939 - Water Bubble
24938 - A Frost Troll
24935 - A >GIRL< deathknight
24931 - A Flaming Spear ( Like throwing it )
24930 - A BE Girl Deathknight?
24925 - A Webbed up... Something
24921 - Weird Green Gnome 01
24920 - Weird Green Gnome 02
24919 - Weird Green Gnome 03
24918 - Evil Gnome 01
24914 - Chair!
24911 - Blue/Demon Dragoinish Thing
24910 - A Frost Demon Hound
24905 - HELLSPAWN!
24897 - Blue Flower
24896 - Cannon Spikey Ball?
24895 - Another Flower
24892 - Snake? Tentical? Faceless One? Never know until WOTLK!
24890 - Red Flower
24889 - Lich Container
24882 - Red Flower
24868 - Caverns of Time - SandTower
24826 - Red Glowy Ball ( Kinda like a Crystal ball, except red... )
24807 - Arrow Thrower
24762 - Gun on Stand
24743 - Frost Dragon
24725 - Nether Dragon
24712 - Lava Holder?
24699 - Ice Void
24694 - Girl Deathknight
24690 - Ghost - Tuskarr?
24689 - Oracle
24685 - White Tustar ( or unless its a big fat dwarf with a beard :X )
24591 - Really kick ass armor
24590 - Undead * I think it walks like a undead in WoWAlpha *
24484 - Big Undead/Mechanical Beast?
24471 - Necrolisp ( LARGE )
24470 - Necrolisp ( Small )
24417 - White Titan ( Ghost )
24391 - Black Tuskarr
24339 - Blue Tuskarr
24256 - Can
24240 - Still in Developed Cannon
24213 - The Lich King ( Large )
24191 - The Lich King ( Larger )
24181 - Zul'Drak? ( They Descripted the boss as a big frozen dead Forest Troll )
24130 - Creepy Thing ( Funny when runs )
24013 - Gnome Vault?
23999 - Giant Furbolg ( Or from Warcraft 3 The Worlds Biggest Panda! )
23386 - Another version of 24591, Thanks to Kenage
22232 - Guy with Armor and Tatto's ( Thanks to Muffinstix )
22607 - A Little creature ( Thanks to Muffinstix )
22634 - Guy with NoShirt and Red tatto's ( Thanks to Muffinstix )
85798 - Red Gas ( Thanks to Muffinstix )
-- Update 05!! --
24992 - Scourge Zombie 1
24993 - Scourge Zombie 2
24994 - Scourge Zombie 3
24995 - Scourge Zombie 4
24996 - Scourge Zombie 5
24997 - Scourge Zombie 6
24998 - Scourge Zombie 7
24999 - Scourge Zombie 8
25000 - Scourge Zombie 9
25001 - Scourge Zombie 10
25002 - Arcane Ethereal
25003 - Ugly Mutant ( From the Dranei Startout )
25004 - HUGE mutant ( From above )
25005 - Leopard
25006 - Dead, Dark, Green, Smokey Guy
25007 - Hawk/Bird
25008 - Eagle
25009 - Giant Snake
25010 - A Colorful Human Mage
25011 - A Human Robed Ghost
25012 - A Giant Half Skeleton/Dwarf
25013 - Orange Dragon
25014 - Frost Wyrm
25015 - Fire Wyrm
25016 - Oracle
25017 - Emo Doll
25019 - Armored Dwarf - Female
25020 - Armored Orc - Male
25021 - Armored Troll - Male
25022 - Armored Night Elf - Male
25023 - Armored Dwarf - Male
25024 - Armored Orc - Female
25025 - Armored Tauren - Male
25026 - HUGE Dragonish thing
25027 - Human Male Cloth Armored
25028 - Dranei Female Armored
25029 - Squeeky Gnome :P
25030 - Brown Horse
25031 - Blue Arcane Patroler
25032 - QueerElf Pirate(Bloodelf)
25033 - Dranei Pirate
25034 - Dwarf Pirate
25035 - Gnome Pirate
25036 - Goblin Pirate
-- Update 06 --
25037 - Human Pirate
25038 - Night Elf Pirate
25039 - Orc Pirate
25040 - Tauren Pirate
25041 - Troll Pirate
25042 - Undead Pirate
25043 - Bloodelf Pirate(Female)
25044 - Dranei Pirate(Female)
25045 - Dwarf Pirate(Female)
25046 - Gnome Pirate(Female)
25047 - Goblin Pirate(Female)
25048 - Human Pirate(Female)
25049 - NightElf Pirate(Female)
25050 - Orc Pirate(Female)(Gag)
25051 - Tauren Pirate(Female)
25052 - Troll Pirate(Female)
25053 - Undead Pirate(Female)
25054 - Human Pirate(Female)
25055 - Tauren(Eyepatch)
25056 - Human Female(Nothing Special)
25057 - Human Male Armored
25058 - Tauren Male ( Nothing Special )
25059 - Human Male Armored
25060 - Nightelf Female Armored
25061 - Orc Armored Male
25062 - Tauren Armored Male
25063 - Human Armored Male
25064 - Dwarf Armored Male
25065 - Undead Armored Male
25066 - QueerElf Armored Male
25067 - Orc( Nothing Special )
25068 - Human Male ( Cool Hat )
25069 - Human Pirate
25070 - Human ( Nothing Special )
25071 - Apple
UPDATE 07!!!
Wrath of The Lich King Beta Display ID's
Must have The Wrath of The Lich King Beta Installed to see these ID'S!
Mangos Command for Morph = .modify morph ID
Ascent Command for Morphi = .modify Display ID
25500 -- Guy in cool armor
25501 -- Red Eyed Saber
25502 -- Blue Eyed Troll
25503 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25504 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25505 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25506 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25507 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25508 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25509 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25510 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25511 -- Dead FrostWrym(a new mount*flying mount*)
25512 -- Armored Female Human.
25513 -- Random Troll
25514 -- Undead or Alive Bloodelf(looks ripped apart and whatnot)
25515 -- Giant Ghost Polarbear.
25516 -- a random dwarf
25517 -- a ghostish maybe even robotic? female thing.
25518 -- Random Human Female
25519 -- Human male miner.
25520 -- Dwarf male Miner
25521 -- Random Human
25522 -- Random Human
25523 -- Random (F)Dwarf
25524 -- Random Gnome
25525 -- Scuba diving Dwarf
25526 -- Scourge member
25527 -- Scourge member
25528 -- Scourge member
25529 -- Tusktar member
25530 -- Tusktar member
25531 -- Tusktar member
25532 -- Tusktar member
25533 -- Tusktar member
25534 -- Tusktar member
25535 -- Tusktar member
25536 -- Tusktar member
25537 -- Bones
25538 -- Bones with meat
25539 -- Bigger bones with meat
25540 -- Bones
25541 -- Undead or Alive Bloodelf Boss ( From above except cape is white )
25542 -- Zombie Scourge member
25543 -- Zombie scourge member
25544 -- Female Human Miner
25545 -- Scarlet Priest |
25546 -- Scarlet Priest |--- Funny Hats
25547 -- Scarlet Priest |
25548 -- Scarlet Priest |
25549 -- Ghost Tusktar
25550 -- Ghost Tusktar
25551 -- Ghost Tusktar
25552 -- Ghost Tusktar
25553 -- Black void
25554 -- Ugly random human
25555 -- Random human
25556 -- Random human
25557 -- Random human
25558 -- Random human
25559 -- Random Human
25560 -- Random human
25561 -- Random human
25562 -- Random Human(mage)
25563 -- Random Human(mage)
25564 -- Random human
25565 -- Random human(mage)
25566 -- Random human
25567 -- Random human
25568 -- Random human
25569 -- Random human
25570 -- Blue Flower ( C-C-C-C-OMBO BBBBREAKKKERRRR )
25571 -- White Horse
25572 -- Brown horse
25573 -- Brown with white Horse
25574 -- Black Horse
25575 -- Alliance Armored guy
25576 -- Alliance Armored guy(same as above)
25577 -- Alliance Armored guy(same as above)
25578 -- Alliance Armored guy(same as above)
25579 -- Gryphon
25580 -- Undead Deathknight(wearing start out gear for deathknight)
-Update 0 a 2
-Update 3 a 7
24954 - Magnataur
24926 - Lion Seal
24906 - Magehunter
24905 - Fire Revenant
22042 - New Wolf/Worg
24111 - Clockwork Gnome
24689 - Oracle
24531 - Northrend Ice Giant
24015 - Northrend Giant
24301 - Flesh Giant
24240 - Siege Tank
23884 - Forsaken Catapult
24101 - Protodragon
24102 - Nerubian Priest
24072 - Frost Nymph
24071 - Arctic Condor
23999 - Dire Furbolg
23848 - Shoveltusk
24892 - Jormungar Larva
24714 - New Blue Dragonflight Drake
22067 - White Drake
24470 - Hovering Obelisk
24712 - undead catapult
24807 - Dragonhead with arrow
24620 - dragon
24753 - serpent
24751 - skeleton
24862 - strange worm
24905 - fiery ghost
24926 - strange flying thing
24946 - boat with dragonhead
24698 - penguin
24579 - strange walking undead
24417 - ghost statue
24710 - rocket mount
24693 - zebra mount with horn
24447 - ghost gryphon
23411 - robot
23456 and 23457 - new furbolgs
23473 untill 23479 - new bloodelfs
23495 - baby kroko
23511 - fat guy with small head
23523 - fiery draenai ghost
23561 untill 23578 (exluding 23574) - nerubian spiders
23681 - trembling zombie
23682 and 23683 - dark arthas
23707 - ragnaros-like grim reaper
23724 - wood giant
23820, 23819 and 23816 - spiders
23817 - lava golem
23861 - grub
23913 untill 23917 - another spider
23946 - baby ice bear
25012 - zombie giant
23351 - New Kind of Frogdragon
23365 - Dwarf fighter Jet